aero-, aer-, aeri-
(Greek: air, mist, wind)
aerochorous (adjective), more aerochorous, most aerochorous
Referring to seeds or spores which are dispersed by wind: Some plants are aerochorous, like the cottonwood and swan plants, and have feathery bristles which can be transported by the wind.
The dissemination of seeds or spores by wind: After the bright yellow flowers of the dandelion have past their blooming stage, fluffy seed balls are dispersed to other places by wind currents and this process is termed aerochory.
Distention of the vagina with gas; vaginal emphysema. Aerocolopos refers to air or gas that is entrapped in the vagina.
Distention of the colon with gas: Aerocoly concerns air or gas that is inside the large intestine.
The process of growing plants without soil: Aeroculture is possible by suspending certain plants above moisturizing devices that continuously make their roots damp with water and nutrients.
Roentgenography of the bladder after it has been injected with air; pneumocystography: An aerocystograpy is an X-ray of the bladder following an injection of air into it.
Aerourethoscope: An aerocystoscope is an instrument that is used for examining a bladder that has been expanded by air.
Examination of the bladder after a distention with air: Since Jill had pains in her bladder, Dr. Black suggestions that an aerocystoscopy, using an aerourethroscope, be performed in order to find out what the ailment was.
The study dealing with the stability of a flying machine: Mark had to learn all about aerodenetics before being allowed to sore or fly with a glider.
A toothache experienced at lowered atmospheric pressures: Aerodontalgia can occur in an aircraft flight or in a decompression chamber and is caused by the expansion of air in the maxillary sinuses.
Dental pain is caused either by increased or reduced atmospheric pressure.
The branch of dentistry which is concerned with the teeth of those who are flying at high altitudes: Aerodontics pertains to an individual's teeth in a situation of increased or reduced atmospheric pressure.
Aerodentia is deals with the prevention and treatment of aerodontalgia.
The study of the effects of high-altitude flying on the teeth: Aerodentoloty is the field of dentistry that deals with the problems or issues of flying personnel.
An airfield equipped with control tower and hangers: The British term aerodrome also refers to the accommodations for passengers and cargo.
An airdrome is a small airfield with limited facilities.
aerodromic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of an airfield: Jenny wanted to go to the aerodromic field, especially the one equipped with housing and other facilities that were used for flying purposes.
An extreme nervousness of flying or even of being near any aircraft: Ginny, who loved traveling by plane, couldn’t understand why her friend Jane had aerodromophobia because it restricted her long distance traveling to trains, busses, or to cars, none of which could transport her overseas to other countries.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.